Monday, November 28, 2011

I like books

Many people do. We get all sorts at BAM, from the little old lady requesting Ann Coulter's new book of hate, making me feel like Satan's messenger girl going to fetch it, to the mute who loves Manga. I am really enjoying my new job as the Merchandising Specialist and it is a little more like a real job and a little closer to some long term goals than any other job I have done, barring the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps was a little less like a job and more of an extreme heart-wrenching, soul-enriching, body-freezing, tent-living, cat-obsessed comedy of errors. Bam is not like that. It is a job that I like for the most part and then go home at the end of the day. Go home at the end of a day with a book! Employees can check out one book at a time to be returned within two weeks in sell-able condition. So that's what I do, work at a bookstore, read books, and now blog about books. Sometimes I also vacuum, act, and attend concerts and sporting events involving my younger sisters. Oh, and coffee...

------ coffee break ---------

Dark Canyon Snickerdoodle with a little cream and vanilla syrup balancing precariously on my $2.99 yellow plastic lap desk from Hobby Lobby and I am ready to continue. Coffee is so good.

Bossypants ********

My first Bam check out was recommended to me first by Miss Camber Carpenter, or C-squared, and I like to do everything Camber tell me to do. I haven't laughed so hard at a book since I read the Georgia Nicholson books in high school. That Tina Fey is funny. I can't ever love her as much as I feel I should however, because of Studio 60. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was a under-rated show by Aaron Sorkin that unfortunately for both shows, premiered the same season as 30 Rock. Both shows' premise is essentially the making of a sketch comedy show. 30 Rock is very funny, Studio 60 is more of a dramedy, also very funny, but is about funny people who are serious about comedy and the real problems in their lives. BTW, Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing is about serious people who are funny. Both shows lost, Studio 60 lasted one season and 30 Rock holds the blame of many fans. So, despite my loyalty to Mr. Sorkin, Tina Fey is a funny gal. I was appearing as Miss Carter, the shrew-ish bank examiner in It's A Wonderful Life with the Black Hills Community Theatre. I was shushed a few times for giggling backstage at Bossypants, which is ironic considering I was dressed a little like a lady Nazi.
Favorite: When Tina Fey gives evidence of how awful she is, especially at the relatives for holidays.

1 comment:

  1. Because of you I am still mad at Tina Fey too. I mean it's not her fault, but couldn't her and Sorkin done something together? With her wry writing and his delicious characters, they would have made Studio almost as good as the West Wing. This Camber person sounds like a influence on you. I hope she always and forever uses her power for good, rather than for evil. Like Ann-shewhomustnotberecognizedassheisfulloftheevil-Coulter. There I said it.
    love, ma
